Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Media in Africa - 758 Words

Three years ago I spent five weeks in Central Africa Republic. Traveling around the countryside and visiting with nationals was rewarding in many ways. If you asked me then, I would have never foreseen what direction the country was headed. I could never have imagined the once beautiful capital of Bangui would turn into war torn rubbish, filled with refugees fleeing from harm. Central Africa Republic is in the middle of a war brought on by its own people. Muslims and Christian’s battle back and forth aggressively killing one another and inputting fear into many. Humanitarians have been risking their lives attempting to stop the chaos and bring the country back to order. Organizations like the United Nations and UNICEF are doing their part to provide for the refugees, while individuals like Peter Bouckaert and Samantha Power are meeting with rebel leaders encouraging peace. Social media, in particular Twitter, has been a major platform for these organizations and individuals to share with the world the experiences they are encountering daily. Using Twitter hashtags like #CAR and #CARcrisis allows for stories to be told and information to be released throughout the world. Individuals worldwide are becoming aware of the circumstances happening overseas by simply opening their Twitter account, and not just from mainstream news sources. The crisis in Central Africa Republic is only one example of social media’s impact on the humanitarian sector. This is becoming a largerShow MoreRelatedTelevision, Television And The Internet1399 Words   |  6 Pagestelevision and the Internet, we are able to assess the livelihoods of those around the globe and absorb information with the rise of 24-hour news outlets. 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The chapter also gives research Questions and significance of the study and research methodology. 1.1.1 Background and Problem Statement In every society in this world, media plays a very important role as sources of information on what is occurring not only within the local community but also in international in the formation of public opinion and have been recognized as constitutive of social reality in modern society . Media thusRead MoreTrophy Hunting : A Social Construction Perspective1028 Words   |  5 PagesTrophy hunting is a wildly controversial topic, especially in today’s social media driven world. Every time a new picture of a hunter and a dead lion or other animal is posted online the media goes crazy. Africa is known for it’s beautiful landscapes, and more importantly the exotic highly sought after animals that roam the land. Africa’s most prominent animals are known as the â€Å"big five† it consists of the most challenging and rewarding animals to hunt. 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